Spring Semester 2025 Classes
Spring Semester classes run January 21, 2025 to May 2, 2025 unless otherwise noted
ACE 377 Advanced Topics in ACE Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 48310
EDU 285 Diversity Issues in Education Instructor: CRN# 44180
ENV 177 Topics in Environmental Science Instructor: Evan Jackson CRN# 47784
ENV 177 Topics in Environmental Science Instructor: Evan Jackson CRN# 48042
GEO 103 Peoples & Environments Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN# 44226
GEY 110 Introductory Geology Instructor: Julia Daly CRN# 44116
GEY 110 Introductory Geology Instructor: Julia Daly CRN# 44120
HEA 231 Child & Adolescent Health Instructor: Katie Callahan CRN# 44240
MAT 120 Introductory Statistics Instructor: Allen Bailey CRN# 44046
POS 200 Public Policy Instructor: James Melcher CRN# 44294
PSY 225 Child & Adolescent Devel Instructor: Rhonda Jamison CRN# 44063
REH 120 Intro to Social Services Instructor: Karen Barrett CRN# 44300
REH 249 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Instructor: Karen Barrett CRN# 44302
REH 270 Fundamentals of Vocational Counseling & Placement Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 44304
REH 271 Applied Techniques of the Vocational Process Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 44305
REH 310 Principles of Casework Instructor: Karen Barrett CRN# 48101
REH 380 Seminar Professional Practice Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 48311
SED 300 Including Students with Exceptionalities in General Education Instructor: Kate MacLeod CRN# 44316
SED 320 Inclusive Program Planning to Support Students with Disabilities Instructor: Kathryn Stiefel CRN# 44318
SED 450 Special Education Regulations & Practice Instructor: Jessica Apgar CRN# 44322
TEC 102 Introduction to SQL Instructor: Christopher Bennett CRN# 48513
TEC 104 Introduction to R Instructor: Christopher Bennett CRN# 48516
CHI 177 Topics in Chinese 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Ruifang Han CRN # 44324
EDU 403 Mathematics Methods for Elementary Education 9:00AM-12:00PM Sat Instructor: Shannon Larsen CRN # 48175 Note: Class meets Jan 21, Feb 1, Feb 1, Mar 4, April 19
EDU 411 Math Methods for Middle & Secondary Education 9:00AM-12:00PM Sat Instructor: Shannon Larsen CRN # 48528 Note: Class meets Jan 21, Feb 1, Feb 1, Mar 4, April 19
ENG 181 Literary Analysis & Interpretation 3:30PM-4:45PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Michael Johnson CRN # 44194
EPP 280 Climate Justice and Adaptation 9:30AM-10:45 AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN # 47938
EPP 450 Research Environmental Planning 9:30AM-10:45 AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN # 47668
GEO 280 Climate Justice and Adaptation 9:30AM-10:45 AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN # 47939
GEO 450 Research in Geography 9:30AM-10:45 AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN # 48028
JPN 177 Topics in Japanese 9:30-AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Atsumi Shibata CRN # 48121
JPN 177 Topics in Japanese 2:00PM-2:50PM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Atsumi Shibata CRN # 48124
ECH 232 Social Science for the Young Child 5:00PM-8:00PM Thr Instructor: Donna Karno CRN # 48093 Note: Class meets Jan 23, Feb 13, Mar 6, Apr 3, April 24
ECH 440 Children, Families, and Communities 7:00PM-9:00PM Wed Instructor: Nena Cunningham CRN # 44157 Note: Class meets: Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 30
EDU 420 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for Multilingual Learners 6:30PM-9:00PM Thr Instructor: TBA CRN # 48449
GEO 212 Latin America: Peoples & Environments 3:30PM-4:45 PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Brad Dearden CRN # 44379
MAT 142 Calculus II 3:30PM-4:45 PM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Paul Gies CRN # 44049
REH 305 Group Process in Human Service 3:30PM-6:00PM Thr Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN # 44306
SHE 233 Curriculum and Methods in Health Education PK-6 6:00PM-8:00PM Tue Instructor: Kristen Allen CRN # 48103 Note: Class meets: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 29
ACE 200 Professionalizing Mathematics and Computer Science 8:00AM-9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Lori Koban CRN# 48087
ACE 277 Topics in ACE 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 48088
ACE 377 Advanced Topics in ACE 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 48132
ANT 103 Human Origins 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Lucas Kellett CRN# 44380
ANT 202 World Archaeology 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Lucas Kellett CRN# 44381
ANT 260 Violence, Warfare and Culture 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Lucas Kellett CRN# 48200
ART 112 Digital Imaging 1:00PM-4:00PM Tue Instructor: Dawn Nye CRN# 44130
ART 112 Digital Imaging 9:20AM-12:20PM Tue Instructor: Ann Bartges CRN# 44459
ART 119 Introduction to Sculpture 9:20AM-12:20PM Mon Instructor: Jesse Potts CRN# 44127
ART 119 Introduction to Sculpture 2:00PM-5:00PM Mon Instructor: Jesse Potts CRN# 44129
ART 121 Painting I 1:00PM-4:00PM Tue Instructor: Elizabeth Olbert CRN# 44136
ART 177 Special Topics in Art 9:20AM-12:20PM Wed Instructor: Jesse Potts CRN# 44350
ART 209 Installation Art I 2:00PM-5:00PM Wed Instructor: Jesse Potts CRN# 44351
ART 225 Painting II 1:00PM-4:00PM Tue Instructor: Elizabeth Olbert CRN# 48127
ART 239 Animation 2:00PM-4:00PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Dawn Nye CRN# 44131
ART 277 Topics in Art 9:20AM-12:20PM Mon Instructor: Dawn Nye CRN# 44133
ART 309 Installation Art II 2:00PM-5:00PM Wed Instructor: Jesse Potts CRN# 44352
ART 325 Painting III 1:00PM-4:00PM Tue Instructor: Elizabeth Olbert CRN# 48128
ART 344 Graphic Design II 1:00PM-4:00PM Thr Instructor: Dawn Nye CRN# 44346
BIO 142 The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World (Lecture) 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Jean Doty CRN# 44083
BIO 142 The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World (Lab) 9:30AM-12:20PM Thr Instructor: Jean Doty CRN# 44092
BIO 142 The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World (Lab) 2:00PM-4:50PM Thr Instructor: Jean Doty CRN# 44086
BIO 177 Topics in Biology: Ecosystems: from Maine to Planet Earth 8:00AM-9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Andrew Barton CRN# 47665
BIO 177 Topics in Biology: Ecosystems: from Maine to Planet Earth 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Andrew Barton CRN# 47666
BIO 355 Mammalogy (Lecture) 8:00AM- 9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Donelle Schwalm CRN# 44441
BIO 355 Mammalogy (Lab) 9:30AM-12:15PM Thr Instructor: Donelle Schwalm CRN# 44442
BIO 363 Evolutionary Biology (Lecture) 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Rachel Hovel CRN# 44443
BIO 363 Evolutionary Biology (Lab) 2:00PM-4:50PM Wed Instructor: Rachel Hovel CRN# 44444
BIO 377 Special Topics in Biology: Neurobiology and Cognition (Lecture) 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Timothy Breton CRN# 47667
BIO 377 Special Topics in Biology: Neurobiology and Cognition (Lab) 2:00PM-4:50PM Wed Instructor: Timothy Breton CRN# 47697
BUS 204 Intro to Managerial Accounting 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Clyde Mitchell CRN# 44139
BUS 260 Recreation and Adventure Travel Business Administration 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Austin French CRN# 44377
BUS 262 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Clyde Mitchell CRN# 44141
BUS 340 Managerial Finance 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Clyde Mitchell CRN# 44378
BUS 415 Recreation, Tourism & Hospitality Industry 8:00AM-9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Clyde Mitchell CRN# 44142
CHI 177 Topics in Chinese: Introduction to Chinese I 11:00AM- 11:50AM- Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Ruifang Han CRN# 44323
CHI 177 Topics in Chinese: Chinese Culture & Society 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Ruifang Han CRN# 44325
CHY 142 General Chemistry II (Lecturre) 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Donald Goebel CRN# 44094
CHY 142 General Chemistry II (Lab) 8:00AM-10:45AM Tue Instructor: Donald Goebel CRN# 44096
CHY 142 General Chemistry II (Lab) 12:30PM-3:15PM Tue Instructor: Donald Goebel CRN# 44095
CHY 177 Topics in Chemistry 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Donald Goebel CRN# 48033
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture) 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: CRN# 47671
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II (Lab) 12:30PM-3:15PM Tue Instructor: TBA CRN# 47672
COS 140 Introduction to Computer Science (Lecture) 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Christopher Bennett CRN# 44032
COS 140 Introducton to Computer Science (Lab) 9:30AM-10:45AM Fri Instructor: Christopher Bennett CRN# 44037
COS 141 Software Design & Development 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Gail Lange CRN# 44033
COS 377 Intermediate Topics in Computer Science 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Christopher Bennett CRN# 44432
COS 455 Database Systems 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Gail Lange CRN# 44433
ECH 204 Early Language & Literature Development 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Zhiling Shea CRN# 44150
ECH 256 Creative Arts for the Young Ch 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Mellisa Clawson CRN# 44152
ECH 305 Early Literacy, Emergent Reading and Writing 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Zhiling Shea CRN# 44155
ECO 102 Principles of Microeconomics 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Sheena Bunnell CRN# 44166
ECO 102 Principles of Microeconomics 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Sheena Bunnell CRN# 47911
EDU 125 Becoming a Teacher 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Shannon Larsen CRN# 44168
EDU 322 Middle Schools and Middle Schoolers 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Deborah Overstreet CRN# 48426
EDU 403 Mathematics Methods for Elementary Education 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Shannon Larsen CRN# 48539
ENG 100 Writing Seminar 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Paul Gies CRN# 44184
ENG 100 Writing Seminar 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Anne Marie Wolf CRN# 44185
ENG 100 Writing Seminar 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Gretchen Legler CRN# 44182
ENG 100 Writing Seminar 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: CRN# 47894
ENG 100 Writing Seminar 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: CRN# 47896
ENG 123 Grammar: Linguistic Approach 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Denisa Cundick CRN# 44187
ENG 123 Grammar: Linguistic Approach 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Denisa Cundick CRN# 44188
ENG 152 Creative Writing for Non-Majors 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Amy Neswald CRN# 44198
ENG 162 A History of the Horror Film 6:30PM-9:00PM Mon Instructor: Michael Johnson CRN# 44342
ENG 181 Literary Analysis & Interp 2:00PM-3:15PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Michael Johnson CRN# 44193
ENG 200 Writing for the Professions 11:00AM- 12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Misty Krueger CRN# 44206
ENG 205 Advanced Writing Seminar 11:00AM-12:15PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Christine Darrohn CRN# 44189
ENG 205 Advanced Writing Seminar 2:00PM-3:15PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Christine Darrohn CRN# 44209
ENG 205 Advanced Writing Seminar 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Paul Gies CRN# 44337
ENG 210 Fiction Writing 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Lewis Robinson CRN# 44202
ENG 212 Creative Nonfiction 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Gretchen Legler CRN# 47695
ENG 252 British Texts & Contexts II 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Christine Darrohn CRN# 44339
ENG 277 Topics in English: Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Jayne Decker CRN# 47698
ENG 288 Topics in Literature & Gender 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Misty Krueger CRN# 44338
ENG 293 Literary Nonfiction 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Gretchen Legler CRN# 44363
ENG 449 20th-Century British Literature 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Christine Darrohn CRN# 44340
ENV 110 Introductory Environmental Science: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (Lecture) 2:00PM-3:50PM Thr Instructor: Donelle Schwalm CRN# 47785
ENV 110 Introductory Environmental Science: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation (Lab) 9:30AM-11:20AM Tue Instructor: Donelle Schwalm CRN# 47786
GEY 110 Introductory Geology 9:30AM-10:20AM- Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Douglas Reusch CRN# 44113
GEY 110 Introductory Geology 8:00AM- 9:50AM Thr Instructor: Douglas Reusch CRN# 44114
GEY 142 Dynamic Earth: Mineral Kingdom 2:00PM-2:50PM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Larry Tuttle CRN# 44117
GEY 142 Dynamic Earth: Mineral Kingdom 9:30AM-11:20AM Tue Instructor: Larry Tuttle CRN# 44118
GEY 401 Climate Change Past & Present 8:00AM- 9:15AM Wed & Fri Instructor: Julia Daly CRN# 47682
GEY 402 Critical Minerals for Society 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Larry Tuttle CRN# 47683
HEA 123 Contemporary Health Issues 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Alireza Geshnizjani CRN# 44237
HEA 203 Theory/Practice of Personal Trainer 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Michael Colella CRN# 44247
HEA 218 Health Behavior Change Theory 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Alireza Geshnizjani CRN# 44239
HEA 241 Nutrition & Exercise 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Michael Colella CRN# 44241
HEA 245 Nutrition & Ecologic Concerns 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Katie Callahan CRN# 48100
HEA 250 Sex and Gender Health 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Alireza Geshnizjani CRN# 44243
HEA 310 Principles of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Katie Callahan CRN# 44244
HON 180 Interdisciplinary Science 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Julia Daly CRN# 44344
HON 180 Interdisciplinary Science 2:00PM-3:50PM Tue Instructor: Julia Daly CRN# 44345
HON 190 The Natural Beauty of Math 8:00AM- 9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Nicholas Koban CRN# 44348
HON 277 Special Topics 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 44349
HON 277 Special Topics 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Lewis Robinson CRN# 44355
HON 377 Advanced Topics in Honors 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Jayne Decker CRN# 44360
HTY 104 United States History II 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Michael Schoeppner CRN# 44372
HTY 200 Approaches to History 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Michael Schoeppner CRN# 44254
HTY 212 Making of the Modern World 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Anne Marie Wolf CRN# 44375
HTY 268 History of Christianity 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Anne Marie Wolf CRN# 44376
HTY 351 American Legal History 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Michael Schoeppner CRN# 44374
HTY 410 History Capstone 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Anne Marie Wolf CRN# 47813
INS 277 Topics in International and Global Studies: Democracy Under Threat 9:30AM-10:45AM Wed Instructor: Linda Beck CRN# 47867
INS 280 Explorations Abroad 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue Instructor: Shannon Larsen CRN# 48486
JPN 177 Topics in Japanese: Elementary Japanese I 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Atsumi Shibata CRN# 48120
JPN 177 Topics in Japanese: Elementary Japanese I 2:00PM-2:50PMMon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Atsumi Shibata CRN# 48122
MAT 100 Introduction to Mathematics 11:00AM-11:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Allen Bailey CRN# 44039
MAT 103 Number, Operations, and Algebraic Thinking for Elementary Teachers 8:00AM-8:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Allen Bailey CRN# 44040
MAT 104 Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Daniel Jackson CRN# 44041
MAT 104 Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Daniel Jackson CRN# 44042
MAT 120 Introductory Statistics 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Gail Lange CRN# 44043
MAT 120 Introductory Statistics 8:00AM-9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Peter Hardy CRN# 44044
MAT 120 Introductory Statistics 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Peter Hardy CRN# 44045
MAT 120 Introductory Statistics 8:00AM-8:50AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Nicholas Koban CRN# 44413
MAT 132 Precalculus 2:00PM-2:50PM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Michael Molinsky CRN# 44421
MAT 141 Calculus I 8:00AM-9:05AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Peter Hardy CRN# 44047
MAT 142 Calculus II 8:00AM-9:05AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Lori Koban CRN# 44048
MAT 151 Mathematical Proof 11:00AM-11:50AM- Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Nicholas Koban CRN# 44050
MAT 160 Mathematical Modeling 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Daniel Jackson CRN# 44051
MAT 328 Statistical Models 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Gail Lange CRN# 44426
MAT 352 Abstract Algebra 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Nicholas Koban CRN# 44427
MAT 381 Actuarial Probability 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Lori Koban CRN# 44431
PEC 100 Foundations of Coaching 9:30AM-10:20AM Mon, Wed, Fri Instructor: Jamie Beaudoin CRN# 44281
PEC 211 Coaching Methods 8:00AM- 9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Blake Hart CRN# 44282
PHY 132 Physics II (Lecture) 8:00AM- 9:15AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Christopher Magri CRN# 44111
PHY 132 Physics II (Lab) 2:00PM-4:45PM Mon Instructor: Christopher Magri CRN# 44112
POS 101 Intro to American Government 9:30AM- 10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: James Melcher CRN# 44292
POS 151 Classical Political Theory: 8:00AM- 9:15AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Scott Erb CRN# 44364
POS 200 Public Policy 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: James Melcher CRN# 44369
POS 201 Public Opinion, Interest Groups and Political Parties 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: James Melcher CRN# 44370
PSY 101 General Psychology 2:00PM-3:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Ka Essoe CRN# 44057
PSY 225 Child & Adolescent Development 11:00AM- 12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Rhonda Jamison CRN# 44061
PSY 225 Child & Adolescent Development 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Rhonda Jamison CRN# 44062
PSY 226 Adulthood And Aging 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Marilyn Shea CRN# 44064
PSY 277 Topics in Psychology 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Alireza Geshnizjani CRN# 48521
PSY 284 Professional Seminar 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Marilyn Shea CRN# 44067
PSY 377 Advanced Topics in Psychology: Cognition, Neuroscience & the Classroom 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Timothy Breton CRN# 44070
PSY 377 Advanced Topics in Psychology: Cognition, Neuroscience & the Classroom 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Timothy Breton CRN# 48318
PSY 377 Advanced Topics in Psychology: Cognition, Neuroscience & the Classroom 2:00PM-4:50PM Wed Instructor: Timothy Breton CRN# 48318
PSY 400 Research Methods 2:00PM-3:15PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Ka Essoe CRN# 44071
PSY 435 Psychotherapeutic Methods 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Dan Seabold CRN# 44075
REC 132 Cold Weather Recreation & Leadershp 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Meghan Price CRN# 44416
REH 120 Intro to Social Services 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Karen Barrett CRN# 44299
REH 380 Seminar Professional Practice 9:30AM-10:45AM Tue & Thr Instructor: Nicole Achey CRN# 44307
SKI 202 Level II Certification Prep 2:00PM-3:45PM Mon Instructor: Meghan Price CRN# 44425
THE 264 Art and Social Change 12:30PM-1:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Melissa Thompson CRN# 44356
THE 277 Special Topics: Acting/Technical Play Production 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Jayne Decker CRN# 44359
ARH 114 Ancient Through Medieval Art and Architecture 6:30PM-9:00PM Tue Instructor: Sarah Maline CRN# 44354
ARH 276 Contemporary Art 6:30-PM 9:00PM Wed Instructor: Sarah Maline CRN# 44137
ECH 384 Developing Science Concepts and Thinking in Young Children 3:30PM-4:45 PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Mellisa Clawson CRN# 44156
ECS 207 Guidance and Behavioral Interventions for Social Emotional Challenges in Early Childhood Special Education 5:00PM-6:15 PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Mellisa Clawson CRN# 48337
EDU 330 Young Adult Literature 3:30PM-6:00PM Tue Instructor: Deborah Overstreet CRN# 44179
EDU 405 Social Studies Methods and Global Perspectives in Elementary Education 3:30PM-6:00PM Wed Instructor: CRN# 48438
ENG 214 Screenwriting 3:30PM-6:00PM Wed Instructor: Amy Neswald CRN# 44197
ENG 219 Digital & Immersive Storytelling 3:30-PM 6:00PM Tue Instructor: Amy Neswald CRN# 44196
ENG 230 Writing/Teaching of Writing 3:30PM-6:00PM Thr Instructor: Deborah Overstreet CRN# 47746
ENG 310 Advanced Fiction Writing 3:30PM-6:00PM Wed Instructor: Lewis Robinson CRN# 44201
ENG 311 Advanced Poetry Writing 3:30PM-6:00PM Mon Instructor: Caroline Wilkinson CRN# 44203
ENG 401 Seminar in Writing 3:30PM-6:00PM Thr Instructor: Gretchen Legler CRN# 44200
HON 377 Advanced Topics in Honors 3:30PM-4:45PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Misty Krueger CRN# 44358
HTY 277 Topics in History 3:30PM-6:00PM Wed Instructor: Michael Schoeppner CRN# 44373
MAT 251 Linear Algebra 3:30PM-4:45PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Michael Molinsky CRN# 44054
MUH 259 Music of Japan 3:30PM-4:45PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 47680
MUH 259 Music of Japan 3:30PM-4:45PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 47680
MUH 377 Topics in Music History: Musical Counterpoints 3:30PM-6:00PM Tue Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 47681
MUH 377 Topics in Music History: Musical Counterpoints 3:30PM-6:00PM Tue Instructor: Steven Pane CRN# 47681
MUS 110 Chorus 6:30PM 9:00PM Mon Instructor: Ethan Wright CRN# 44272
MUS 110 Chorus 6:30PM-9:00PM Mon Instructor: Ethan Wright CRN# 44272
POS 336 Globalization and Governance 6:30PM-9:00PM Wed Instructor: Scott Erb CRN# 44371
PSY 101 General Psychology 3:30PM-4:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Ka Essoe CRN# 44058
PSY 360 Group Psychotherapy 3:30-PM 6:00PM Mon Instructor: Dan Seabold CRN# 44069
PSY 401 Research Laboratory 3:30PM-4:45PM Wed & Fri Instructor: Ka Essoe CRN# 44073
PSY 455 Crisis Intervention and Stabilization 3:30-PM-6:00PM Mon Instructor: Natasha Lekes CRN# 44076
SED 106 Sign Language 3:30-PM 4:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Patrick Kelley CRN# 48453
SED 315 Collaboration for Accessible and Inclusive Instruction 3:30PM-6:00PM Mon Instructor: Jessica Apgar CRN# 44317
SED 429 Individualized Positive Behavior Supports 3:30-PM 6:00PM Wed Instructor: Brianna Grumstrup CRN# 44320
SKI 124 Children’s Instruction 3:30PM-4:45PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Meghan Price CRN# 44311 P Note: Class runs Jan 21, Mar 14, Mar 25, May 1
SKI 125 Adult Instruction 3:30PM-6:00PM Wed Instructor: Meghan Price CRN# 44312
THE 115 Improv as Acting Technique 3:30PM-4:45 PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Melissa Thompson CRN# 44328
THE 177 Topics in Theater: Introduction to Theatre 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Melissa Thompson CRN# 48138
THE 277 Special Topics: Acting/Technical Play Production 6:30PM-9:00PM Thr Instructor: Jayne Decker CRN# 48150
EPP 231 Environmental Issues 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 47936
EPP 241 Life Cycle Assessment 2:00PM-3:15PM Mon Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 47669
EPP 242 Climate & Sustainability Reporting 2:00PM-3:15PM Wed Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 47670
EPP 304 Environmental GIS (Lecture) 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 44221
EPP 304 Environmental GIS (Lab) 12:30PM-1:45PM Thr Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 48567
GEO 219 Geography of Maine 11:00AM-12:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 47673
GEO 231 Environmental Issues 9:30AM-10:45AM Mon & Wed Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 47684
GEO 304 Environmental GIS (Lecture) 11:00AM-12:15PM Tue & Thr Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 44454
GEO 304 Environmental GIS (Lab) 12:30PM-1:45PM Thr Instructor: Matthew McCourt CRN # 48568
ECH 336 Development of Mathematical Concepts and Thinking in Young Children Instructor: Julia Jeremias CRN # 48333
ENG 377 Advanced Topics in English 5:00PM-6:15PM Mon & Wed Instructor: Michael Johnson CRN # 44208
MUS 125 Piano Lab 11:00 AM-12:15PM Mon Instructor: Steven Pane CRN # 44366
MUS 125 Piano Lab 11:00 AM-12:15PM Wed Instructor: Steven Pane CRN # 47725
PSY 237 Psychology of Career Development 11:00AM-12:30PM Mon Instructor: Natasha Lekes CRN # 44066
PSY 425 Sex Therapy 11:00AM-12:30PM Wed Instructor: Natasha Lekes CRN # 47702
Cost – Tuition
Undergraduate Tuition is charged by the credit as follows:
- $306 per credit for Maine residents
- $725 per credit for non-residents
- $535 per credit for the New England Tuition Break discount
- $306 per credit for Canadian students
Most UMF courses are 3 credits.
There is also an Academic Support Fee, a Student Support Fee, and a Technology Fee
Academic Support Fee:
- $97 for 1-6 credits
- $194 for 7-11 credits
- $381 for 12 or more credits
Student Support Fee:
- $133 for 1-6 credits
- $266 for 7-11 credits
- $453 for 12 or more credits
Technology Fee:
- $10 per credit hour
If there is a course fee, that too would be added.
Are you a high schooler interested in Spring Semester classes?
Fantastic! Early College is a program that allows high school and home-schooled students to earn college credits and initiate a college transcript while still in high school. It gives you a head start on your college options.
Best of all, the tuition for Early College is FREE.
Participating in an Early College program may result in you having to take fewer high school classes because some of your college classes replace your high school classes. And who doesn’t want to take fewer high school classes?
The Early College also allows you to get a true sense of what college will be like while still letting you participate in high school events and activities.
It鈥檚 like having a foot in both worlds.
Begin your seamless transition to college studies and discover the rewards of learning at the collegiate level.
Contact Us
Office of Continuing Education
Theo Kalikow Education Center
186 High Street
91麻豆精品, Maine 04938
tel 207-778-7066
fax 207-778-8134
TYY (via Maine Relay Service) dial 711
Mailing address:
Division of Graduate & Continuing Education
111 South Street
91麻豆精品, Maine 04938